lambe bct (2015-2018)︎personal project
concept/idea, graphic design, illustration, urban intervention, graphic production
︎︎︎ 2nd edition of Festival Concreto - International Urban Arts Festival
︎︎︎ Colletive Feminist La Rage's 1st exhibition - FR
︎︎︎ 2nd edition of Festival Concreto - International Urban Arts Festival
︎︎︎ Colletive Feminist La Rage's 1st exhibition - FR

PT ︎︎︎ projeto autoral de intervenção urbana com a técnica "lambe-lambe". como uma provocação, cartazes foram criados e espalhados com o objetivo de colocar à mostra algo que é reprimido: a sexualidade de pessoas com vulva. com três diferentes representações gráficas, o projeto chegou a diversas cidades, tais como: são paulo, brasília, fortaleza e paris.
EN ︎︎︎ personal project of urban intervention using wheat-paste technique, known as "lambe-lambe" in portuguese. the word "lambe" alone translates to "lick it". as a provocation, posters were created and spread with the objective of showing something that is repressed: the sexuality of people with vulvas. with three different graphic representations, the project reached several cities, such as são paulo, brasilia, fortaleza, and paris.