te reo (2023)︎papel & caneta + marae moana
design lead, concept, visual identity, branding, art direction

PT ︎︎︎ Em Nova York, em 2023, o Papel & Caneta reuniu uma equipe de especialistas com Kevin Iro, lenda do rugby e embaixador do Marae Moana, o maior santuário marinho do mundo. Em um período de quatro dias, foi desenvolvido um programa para envolver os jovens das Ilhas Cook na conservação de seu patrimônio ecológico, cultural e de biodiversidade. Sua missão era inspirar a próxima geração de guardiões do oceano, combinando o conhecimento tradicional com metas ecológicas modernas. Com base na arte têxtil tradicional de Tivaevae - uma técnica que costura pequenos quadrados para formar peças grandes - a identidade visual destaca sua semelhança com a pixel art. Os motivos presentes na arte, cerâmicas e tatuagens tradicionais Maori são reimaginados nesse estilo, enfatizando temas da fauna marinha e da juventude. Os princípios de design de repetição e simetria representam visualmente o equilíbrio com a natureza e a conexão com a comunidade. A paleta de cores está alinhada com a marca Marae Moana e, ao mesmo tempo, mais jovem, garantindo relevância e envolvimento do público.
EN ︎︎︎ In New York in 2023, Papel & Caneta gathered a team of specialists with Kevin Iro, rugby legend and ambassador of Marae Moana, the world's largest marine sanctuary. Over a four-day sprint, a program was developed to engage Cook Islands youth in the conservation of their ecological, biodiversity, and cultural heritage. Its mission was to inspire the next generation of ocean guardians by combining traditional knowledge with modern ecological goals.
Design followed the same path. Based on traditional Tivaevae textile art—a technique that stitches small squares to form large pieces— the visual identity highlights its similarity to pixel art. Motifs from traditional art, tattoos, and ceramics are reimagined in this style, emphasizing themes of marine fauna and youth. The design principles of repetition and symmetry visually represent balance with nature and community connection. The color palette aligns with the Marae Moana brand while also appealing to youth, ensuring relevance and engagement.
Design followed the same path. Based on traditional Tivaevae textile art—a technique that stitches small squares to form large pieces— the visual identity highlights its similarity to pixel art. Motifs from traditional art, tattoos, and ceramics are reimagined in this style, emphasizing themes of marine fauna and youth. The design principles of repetition and symmetry visually represent balance with nature and community connection. The color palette aligns with the Marae Moana brand while also appealing to youth, ensuring relevance and engagement.